Training for Patient Care Providers and Staff Leaders
Clinical Suite
Clinical Care
- Airway Care: Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change and Artificial Airway Cuff Management
- Anaphylactic Shock
- Asthma
- Caring for the Stoma, Caring for the Patient: Enterostomal Nursing
- Diabetes in Clinical Practice
- Head Injury
- Intracranial Hypertension
- Rapid Physical Assessment
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Weaning and Extubation
- Wound Care: Physiology, Assessment and Documentation
- Wound Care: Types of Wounds and Treatment Modalities
Cardiac Series
- Arrhythmia 1: Overview
- Arrhythmia 2: Sinus Rhythms
- Arrhythmia 3: Atrial Arrhythmias
- Arrhythmia 4: Junctional Arrhythmias
- Arrhythmia 5: Ventricular Arrhythmias
- Arrhythmia 6: Heart Blockers
- Arrhythmia 7: Pacemakers
Patient Safety & Medication Management Suite
Patient Safety
- Anti-Anxiety Agents
- Cultural Competence
- Domestic Violence
- Lifting Safely to Prevent Injury
- Meeting Mental Health Needs
- Multidrug Resistant Pathogens
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Care for Patients
- Preventing Medication Errors
- Preventing Falls
- Prevention, Assessment and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers
- Skin Management: Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Medication Management
- Adult Procedural Sedation I
- Adult Procedural Sedation II
- Adult Procedural Sedation III
- IV Push Medications
- Medication Administration: Calculating Drug Dosages
- Medication Administration: Medication Errors and Routes of Administration
- Mediation Administration: Terminology and the "Six Rights"
- Medication Administration: Understanding Medication Orders
Leadership & Staff Development Suite
Leadership & Management
- Coaching Novice Managers in the Progressive Disciplinary Action Process
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Interpreting Performance Indicators
- Productivity Report and Volume Statistics
- The Operating Statement
- Performance Based Interviewing: The Basics
- Performance Based Interviewing: The Interview
- The Manager as Facilitator
- Tracer Methodology I: Introduction
- Tracer Methodology II: Caregiver Participation in a Survey
- Tracer Methodology III: Management of the On-Site Survey
Staff Development
- Communications: Nurse-Patient Relationships
- Communication Skills
- Conflict Management
- Developing Effective Relationships
- Effective Writing in the Workplace
- Problem Solving
- Project Management
- Effective Healthcare Instruction
- Time Management
Legal & Ethics
- Defensible Documentation
- Informed Consent: A Communication Process
- Intimidation in the Workplace
- Nursing Negligence
- Risk Management: Protecting Patients and Your Practice
Special Populations Suite
Obstetrical Nursing
- Assisted Delivery and Cesarean Section
- Caring for the Antepartum Patient
- Caring for the Postpartum Patient
- Electronic Fetal Monitoring
- Labor and Pain Control
Pediatric Care
- Acute Pain Management in Children
- Assessment of Respiratory Distress in the Pediatric Patient
- Medicating Children
- Physical Assessment of a Child, Part 1
- Physical Assessment of a Child, Part 2
- Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect
Aging & Elder Care
- A Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
- Aging: The Natural Process
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Depression and the Elderly
- Elder Abuse
- Managing Pain in the Elderly Adult