Prepare for work in complex, remote and hostile environments

PerforMax3 is proud to offer an online training program designed to ensure your employees are educated to keep them safe when traveling or working abroad.

 The Hostile Environment Awareness Training or HEAT program is a six part, online  course that includes Cultural Awareness, Personal Security in High-Risk Locations, The Threat of Kidnapping, Firearms Awareness and Safety, Unexploded Ordinance Safety and Tactical First Aid.

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

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Employees and staff must be prepared to work in complex, remote and sometimes hostile environments.  

  • The HEAT program fulfills duty of care obligations

  • Security professionals agree that pre-trip training helps staff members live and work safely in most locations around the globe

  • The HEAT curriculum can be customized for individual client and organizational needs and branded with your company's logo

  • The robust Learning Management System tracks certification and generates compliance reports